Junk Removal and Dumpster Rental

Dumpster Rental

  • 15 Yard Dumpster

    15 Yard Dumpster

    15 Yard Dumpster

    $325 for a 1-day rental

    $10 for each additional day (up to one week)

    Prices include 2,000 lbs of disposal fees

    $85 per additional ton

  • 20 Yard Dumpster

    20 Yard Dumpster

    20 Yard Dumpster

    $365 for a 1-day rental

    $10 for each additional day (up to one week)

    Prices include 2,000 lbs of disposal fees

    $85 per additional ton

  • Concrete / Dirt Dumpster

    Concrete / Dirt Dumpster Rental

    $445 Per Load

    $10 for each additional day (up to one week)

Junk Removal

$125 FOR 1/4 LOAD (500LBS MAX)


$350 FOR A 3/4 LOAD (1500LBS MAX)



About Us

  • Welcome to We Haul, your trusted family and veteran-owned junk removal and dumpster rental service based out of Southern California. We are a dedicated team of professionals committed to providing efficient, reliable, and personalized solutions for all your waste management needs. With a passion for customer satisfaction and a deep sense of duty, we take pride in serving our community and delivering top-notch services.

    As a family-owned and veteran-operated business, we understand the importance of creating a clean and clutter-free environment for your home, office, or construction site. We bring a strong work ethic, attention to detail, and a commitment to excellence to every project we undertake.

  • Junk Removal: We specialize in removing unwanted items of any size, from furniture and appliances to construction debris and yard waste. Our team handles all the heavy lifting, ensuring a stress-free experience while we clear out the clutter and leave your space spotless.

    Dumpster Rental: For larger projects or extended cleanup periods, we offer convenient dumpster rentals in various sizes. Our reliable dumpsters provide ample space for efficient waste disposal, whether you're remodeling your home, managing a construction site, or conducting a thorough cleanout.

  • Family-Owned and Veteran-Operated: As a family and veteran-owned business, we bring a strong sense of integrity, dedication, and discipline to our work. You can trust that we will treat your property and belongings with the utmost respect and care.

    Personalized Approach: We understand that every customer's needs are unique. That's why we offer personalized solutions tailored to your specific requirements. Our team takes the time to listen to your concerns, provide expert advice, and deliver services that exceed your expectations.

    Exceptional Customer Service: Customer satisfaction is at the heart of everything we do. Our friendly and professional team is committed to delivering prompt, reliable, and courteous service. We strive to make your experience with us seamless and enjoyable from start to finish.

    Local Expertise: Based in Southern California, we have in-depth knowledge of the area, its regulations, and the specific waste management challenges it presents. Count on us to navigate any local requirements and provide efficient solutions that meet your needs.

    Eco-Friendly Practices: We believe in responsible waste management and are committed to reducing our environmental impact. Whenever possible, we recycle and donate items, ensuring that usable materials find new homes and minimizing the amount of waste sent to landfills.

Follow us on Instagram @WeHaulRental

At We Haul, we take pride in being a family and veteran-owned business that serves the Southern California community with integrity, dedication, and professionalism. Contact us today and let our team of experts help you clear the clutter, create a clean space, and experience exceptional service every step of the way. Together, we can make your junk removal and dumpster rental needs a breeze.